
Temple Beth El is a Reform Congregation located at 660 Park Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743 (631-421-5835). To contact the main office, email templeoffice@tbeli.org.

We are an affiliate member of the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism.) We seek to create an atmosphere of warmth and inclusion. We welcome Interfaith and LGBTQ+ families and we are particularly biased toward social action, music, theater, the arts and of course, food.

We design immersive experiences for our youngsters to help them realize the importance and reap the rewards of community. We have a dynamic Religious School (kindergarten through twelfth grade) and we have a strong affinity for Camp and Israel Programs.

Our members form lifelong friendships, remaining active and engaged for years. Our Chai Club is among our many prides and joy — alongside our Sisterhood and Brotherhood.

We often say “our talents are a gift from God, how we use them is our gift to God*.” Our members are a talented and earnest bunch!

If you have talent, time, skill, or the notion to contribute, please — get involved!

We are growing and we hope you will grow with us. Here are the Top 10 Reasons to join.

*Quoted from Leo Buscaglia