Leadership Directory

The lay leadership of Temple Beth El is comprised of a dedicated and motivated Board of Trustees who support a variety of active, hardworking committees and operate according to the strict adherence of our Bylaws.

Alongside our Board of Trustees are three pillars that together, form the supportive environment that nurtures our congregation all through the year, our beloved Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Chai Club.

Main Office: (631) 421-5835

Religious School: (631) 421-5836

Clergy, Professional Staff and Religious School

Rabbi Jeff Clopper
Cantor Alison Levine
Religious School Director Lauren Chizner
Partnership Liaison Lisa Tricomi

Rabbi Emeritus

Cantor Emerita

Educator Emerita

Barton Shallat

Sandy Sherry 

Diane Berg

Board of Trustees 2024-25

President Patricia Kresner
VP, Operations Stephanie Kellerman
VP, Finance Michael Widawsky
VP, Partnership Liza Tenner
VP, Education Elyse Pimsler
VP, Philanthropy Michael Heiberger
Treasurer Susan Blog
Financial Secretary Elyse Feldman
Secretary Laurel Scheinfeld
Past President Mitch Kittenplan
Sisterhood President Jennifer Freed
Brotherhood President Ian Weitz
Chai Club President Peter Wayne
Two-Year Trustees to 2026 Mark Goldman
  Harlee Richmond
  Barry Schwalb
Two-Year Trustees to 2025 Rebecca Crain
  Linda Schatten
  Fran Silverfish
One-Year Trustees to 2025 Amy Bernzweig
  Mike Dannenberg
  Jennifer Gillet
  Elana Goodridge
  Matt Kurtzman
  Cliff Lester
  Hal Rechler
  Margaret Roche
  Miriam Rosen
Honorary Member Sara Pokross

Main Office and Religious School Staff

Temple Secretary Lisa Bennett


Religious School Secretary

Irma Talbot

Brenda Reiss

Building Staff

Darrell Thomas, Head Custodian:  headcustodian@tbeli.org

Eric Tenner, Facilities Manager:  facilities@tbeli.org