Summer Camp
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We believe in the future of the Jewish people! Yet, it is no easy task to ensure a strong, engaged community for tomorrow.
One of the ways we try to make a difference is by immersing our youngest in Jewish life. Doing so helps create the next generation of connected Jews. We are able to achieve this through various religious school programs. However, we also know that our efforts are enhanced when a child attends a Jewish overnight camp, especially those sponsored by our own URJ.
Camp is transformative — there’s really nothing like it. All of our summer campers return feeling excited and energized. The knowledge, experience and friendships they gain are carried with them for a lifetime. Plus, they return ready to serve as role models for younger kids in the community. Here’s what our kids have to say…
From the campers…
“What I am looking forward to about camp is just having fun and hanging out with my friends. I can’t wait to play games in the pool and swim. Little things like that make me excited. Walking the puppies, making art projects, doing fun evening activities, and so much more. Every second, minute, hour, day, and week make you want to come back, and I look forward to doing just that.” – Sophie D.
“I am looking forward to so many things this summer. I am looking forward to seeing all my friends, getting to play sports with my friends, and hanging out. Also, I love the choices last year. I just had to choose frisbee because I love it! Finally, I won’t have to worry about doing homework or going to school.” – Sam R.
“Everyone should know that in camp the little things count, such as when some friends and I were freezing up at Rope Burn [one of the many important events that are part of Color War]. We still went back to the bunk afterward and ate ice cream sandwiches. Shabbat dinner wasn’t amazing, but we still ate it anyway. Molly, my Unit Head, once had to announce that the gravy wasn’t soup. This information might seem unimportant, but those little details are a big part of a great memory I have called Crane Lake 2013.” – Hannah R.
“One of the best parts of camp for me was tubing. I went with my friend Rachel and we both wanted to go really fast. It was awesome! The only problem was that my helmet was too big and I couldn’t see. So when I took one hand off the handle to lift my helmet and see, I flipped off the tube. Rachel looked to the side and realized I wasn’t there; she was terrified. I got back on the tube soaking wet and froze in the wind. It was fun!
The people at camp are awesome! My counselors were amazing! There was Olivia the Ketchup Fairy (you can ask me about that story later), Lisa from London (who is very crazy), and more! I hope they all come back next year. I also had a lot of friends. One of them had a first name that is my middle name and a middle name that is my first name…and she slept right above me! I have so many returning friends, and I made a bigillion new ones. Camp is a great place to meet friends.” – Sarah C.
“My favorite part about camp was when my friends and I would sit on my bed and play Uno. It gets very funny when my friends all get very competitive playing a card game. I loved everyone in my bunk. You really get to know everyone and become a great family . I love camp and all the people there. Everyone is so nice. When I was there my first year, it felt like everyone was there to welcome me.” – Margo N.
“What I am looking forward to most about camp Eisner is making new friends, seeing my old camp friends, and taking pottery classes. Doing pottery is my favorite part of camp. Alien hunt is fun, too. I also look forward to meeting new counselors. I liked my counselors from last year, they were fun, but I like meeting new ones, too. Having Maccabiah games at the end is great and it is fun having my brother on the team. The camp food is good, too. The last thing is that it is great seeing my brother Dylan at camp. I pretty much like everything about Eisner. That is why I look forward to going back this summer!” – Delaney K.
“I am most excited to see my friends at camp this summer. Most of my friends live really far away so it is a real treat seeing them. When I am with them we play all sorts of great games. Rafterball is my one of my favorites. The main goal is to bounce a ball on the rafters in order to gain points. Though I don’t always win it is fun spending quality time with my friends. It is also great to just talk with them and get to know them better. I am so psyched to see them again!” – Matt T.
“The thing that I am looking forward to most about going to camp again is seeing my friends. My camp friends are very important to me. We have had so many laughs and memories together. We are like a big family that only sees each other for 2 months out of the year. My friends are really important to me because without them I wouldn’t be able to make fun of rib night or sing and dance with them on Shabbat. Even though I don’t see them for ten months our friendships with one another does not change in the slightest. I know that these will be life-long friendships!!” – Jordan S.
“One of my favorite things at camp is the Ropes Course! It’s so much fun! I was headed to Ropes with my bunk, and next thing I knew, I was going down the zip line! I looked down and I was nervous, but when I actually rode down it, it was soooo exciting! I also really enjoyed tubing! The speed boat went so fast.
Another great part of camp is meeting new friends. You might even meet someone who will be your best friend for life! Your counselors can get to be great friends, too! Camp Shabbats are so much fun! After services, you do all kinds of Israeli Dancing, and at Song Session, you sing so may Jewish songs!” – Jamie M.
“My favorite part of Eisner was Shabbat. I liked how we could sit and eat where ever we wanted at dinner instead of sitting with our bunk. I like this because we got to sit with our friends in other bunks that we might see only once every day. I also liked the Israeli dance because we have some more freedom then we already have, and if we didn’t want to dance we could go in the dinning hall and play some games . I think this is good because knowing Eisner is a Jewish camp it’s great that we celebrate the Jewish customs.” – Dylan K.
“My favorite thing about camp wasn’t getting away from my parents for a few weeks, or playing fun sports every day, or the big obstacle course, or even the best color war anywhere ever, but the fact of being at an all Jewish camp with all these people you can talk/hang out with. The most fun times at camp aren’t the activities but the bunk time. Where you can just talk, play cards, play roofball, or even sleep. These are the moments where you’re going to have the most fun. That is my favorite thing about camp.” – Alex P.
“The people at camp have been some of the most amazing I have ever met. The things we’ve been able to talk about together have changed me and my outlook on the world. I now have such deep relationships with people I have spent about 8 weeks with, but probably they are most meaningful. In this way, I’ve learned more about myself and some of my best friends. Luckily, we will have Bat Mitzvah services to see each other, considering most of them are in Massachusetts. Every year, the jokes get funnier, the songs get sadder, and the bonds get stronger. Summer 2014 will be even crazier than last year, but that’s all the more reason why I already signed up.” – Mia N.
“At Crane Lake Camp, they have four dogs who are raffled off at the end of second session. I won a dog. His name is Bruno.
Of course I have so may favorites of camp, but this is my second favorite. Imagine that you are eating lunch. A counselor yells your name. That can only mean one of two things: 1. You’re in trouble, or 2. You got a package. While your friends are going to the bunk for rest hour, you stay behind and go to the mail room. Your counselor waits in line for the mail and packages, and then hands you one. You tear up the tape on it and open it. I loved getting packages!” – Emily R.
“I was not at camp this summer. Instead, my friends and I were in Israel on the camp trip. We had a great time! When we got back, we all had the chance to go back to Camp Eisner for a day. It was not enough being there for just one day. So this summer, I am most looking forward to just being back at the camp I love and seeing my friends who I care so much about.” – Evan S.
“My favorite part of camp is when we had Flashlight Time. Flashlight time happened when it was dark. I always would tell stories that are funny.” – Eliana M.
“My favorite part of camp is that I got to play tennis. I had lots of games, but we didn’t use points. I also played with other counselors and new friends.” – Josh C.
“I have changed a lot, inside and out, since I started going to camp two summers ago. I have grown and I have become stronger. I have grown a sense of independence and happiness. I’m not saying that all kids will walk out and get an apartment and leave you after camp. They’re just become a little prouder and not as self-conscious. Before I went to camp, I hadn’t blossomed yet; now, I have. I have also learned a lot about myself as a Jew and about Judaism. So, I recommend going to camp – that’s a definite.” – Sophie D.
“It’s difficult to put your camp experience into words because there are so many emotions that come to mind when you think of it. You see flashbacks of a couple moments. running to your friends you haven’t seen all year, getting ready for the first Shabbat, laughing at evening programs, learning how to canoe in the lake, and crying as you get in your parents car as you say goodbye to your second home. It’s a dream-like world you can call your home, it’s a place where you can be you, it’s a time for fun and wishes that can all come true and that’s why I love camp.” – Ella P.