Who We Are

About Temple Beth El of Huntington


Temple Beth El is an active, engaged congregation made up of approximately 400 families. Phrases like warm, nurturing and down-to-earth are often used to describe our congregation. We consider ourselves a temple family and care deeply about creating an environment of inclusion, respect and involvement.

As a House of Prayer, a House of Learning, and a House of Gathering, we offer worship, education and social events in varied ways.

As a House of Prayer, we come together each Friday night and many Saturday mornings to observe Shabbat and for all Jewish holidays and festivals. Our worship takes many forms centering on congregational participation and music.

As a House of Learning, young children can begin their Jewish journey with wonderful programs like Shalom Friends. Grade school age children attend our dynamic religious school and continue on through Hebrew High School, reaping the rewards of friendship, participation and learning. Adults enjoy a variety of lifelong learning opportunities.

As a House of Gathering, we have an active Youth Group, Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Chai Club. Perhaps the heart and soul of Temple Beth El is our vibrant Social Action programming with endless opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others and to improve our world.

Our members fit no particular profile, they represent diverse backgrounds – traditional and non-traditional lifestyles, interfaith families, LGBTQ and multi-cultural. Under the common umbrella of Jewish values and interests, Temple Beth El brings us together as one congregation, a warm and nurturing community.

We invite you to be a part of our Temple Beth El family.

Rabbi Jeff Clopper will be pleased to answer your questions and get to know you personally.  Schedule a conversation by calling the temple office at (631) 421-5835, Ext. 200 or emailing Rabbi Clopper directly at rabbiclopper@tbeli.org.

We welcome you to come and experience what our community has to offer. And we look forward to you sharing your gifts with us.



Temple Community Celebration


Thank you to all of the energetic, creative and tireless volunteers who worked together to make this event one of the most memorable and successful events ever, and to our amazing honorees for giving us the opportunity to show our temple community how truly special and deserving they are – we love you, Cantor Alison and Ken Friese!